The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe

The Collagen Connection: AntiAging Effects of LED Red Light Therapy on Skin

the collagen connection: anti-aging effects of led red light therapy skin

Over 20 years ago, we realized the collagen stimulating effects of exposing the skin to the correct wavelength of LED light. The rest is history. We've been using this highly effective method for preventative aging ever since. Its safe, non-invasive, AND it works!

LED Light Therapy for AntiAging, Acne, Rosacea + Healthy Skin!

As more and more studies, the FDA, and users confirm the effectiveness of LED light therapy in treating acne, rosacea and aging, this space age treatment is gaining in popularity.   Led light therapy is one of the safest and fastest ways to achieve skin that not only looks, but also behaves younger...

LED photo-rejuvenation for anti-aging

Is Laser Treatment The Best Option For Rosacea?

If you have recently visited the dermatologist or family doctor in Victoria regarding symptoms of rosacea, you have probably been directed towards either topical antibiotics/steroids, or laser treatment.   While laser is effective at treating red facial veins, is it really the best/only option for treating rosacea?

Laser rosacea treatment

Cold Laser PhotoRejuvenation. Discover the secret to gorgeous skin. Available in Victoria BC.

Gorgeous skin doesn’t require aggressive laser, overdone injectables, "down time" to heal, or discomfort in the treatment chair. Originally developed by Nasa, cold laser photo-rejuvenation....

photorejuvenation and collagen treatment victoria bc acne, rosacea, wrinkles