The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe

Azelaic Acid: Powerful Skin Transformation

Azelaic Acid for skincare. Hyperpigmentation, acne, sun damage, rosacea, skin redness

Certain ingredients possess the ability to transform the skin, and one such potent ingredient is Azelaic acid. Azelaic acid is a proven weapon for addressing a range of skin concerns, including rosacea and redness....


The Proven Therapy for Clearing Sun Damage and Capillaries on Your Skin? IPL.

treatment for sun damage and capillaries. Victoria BC

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a highly effective option for treating sun damage and capillaries on the skin. One of the great things about IPL is that it's a very effective non-invasive procedure, and you won't have to endure a long recovery period. IPL also tends to be more cost effective than many other laser based treatments.

Ingredients That Are Worth The Hype. Niacinamide.

Niacinamide skincare is worth the hype. Victoria BC Vancouver BC

Niacinamide (as used in skin care) is a topical form of Vitamin B-3 and an essential nutrient. It's also called Nicotinamide.  Its first usage in skin care is dated back to the 1930s and it has huge benefits for the skin.

Azelaic Acid. The super hero ingredient you'll want to get to know.

While the word "acid" may sound scary this is one of those acids that's friendly, and worth getting to know.

Azelaic Acid is an amazing multi-tasking ingredient that is still not well known among the skin care professionals and product formulators. Many simply don't know how to work with it. That's slowly changing as they start to discover the amazing benefits this ingredient offers. 

azelaic acid in skin care

LED Light Therapy for AntiAging, Acne, Rosacea + Healthy Skin!

As more and more studies, the FDA, and users confirm the effectiveness of LED light therapy in treating acne, rosacea and aging, this space age treatment is gaining in popularity.   Led light therapy is one of the safest and fastest ways to achieve skin that not only looks, but also behaves younger...

LED photo-rejuvenation for anti-aging

Is Laser Treatment The Best Option For Rosacea?

If you have recently visited the dermatologist or family doctor in Victoria regarding symptoms of rosacea, you have probably been directed towards either topical antibiotics/steroids, or laser treatment.   While laser is effective at treating red facial veins, is it really the best/only option for treating rosacea?

Laser rosacea treatment