All about Laser Hair Removal Victoria BC


All About Laser Hair Removal Victoria BC


If you're considering laser hair removal, this post is for you!  In recent years, laser hair removal has become a popular choice for those seeking a lasting solution to unwanted hair. Let's take a quick look at the history of laser hair removal, the science behind its effectiveness, the many benefits it offers, and how its cost compares to traditional methods like waxing and shaving.

The History of Laser Hair Removal:

The journey to silky-smooth skin began in the 1960s when laser technology first emerged. However, it wasn't until the mid 1990s that the concept of in clinic laser hair removal became a reality. Dr. Rox Anderson and Dr. Melanie Grossman pioneered the groundbreaking idea of using lasers to selectively target and eliminate hair follicles, laying the foundation for the advanced techniques we have today.

How Laser Hair Removal Works:

Understanding the mechanism behind laser hair removal is key to appreciating its effectiveness. The process, known as selective photothermolysis, involves directing concentrated beams of thermal light into hair follicles. The pigment in the follicles (and not the surrounding skin) absorbs the light, converting it into heat. This heat damages the hair follicle, inhibiting future hair growth. This precision is what makes laser hair removal a safe and efficient option for various skin types.

The Benefits of Laser Hair Removal:

  1. The Results Last:

    • Some hair removal solutions such as shaving and waxing are temporary, while laser hair removal offers long-lasting results. 
  2. It's Fast:

    • Laser hair removal allows even large body areas to be effectively treated in less than 30 minutes.
  3. Goodbye Ingrown Hair:

    • If you're prone to ingrown hair or experience ingrowns from traditional hair removal methods, you'll love laser!
  4. Makes Personal Grooming A Breeze!:

    • Less time shaving and waxing means you'll have more time to do things you actually enjoy.

How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost  vs. Waxing Or Shaving?:

  1. While you may spend more upfront, over the long term you'll save money over the cost of regular waxing. You'll also save on shaving supplies.
  2. What is your time worth? When you consider the amount of time spent on daily shaving or regular waxing appointments, Laser hair removal ultimately saves you time in the long term.

"Why Didn't I Do This Sooner?"

The most common comment we hear from our clients. Once you experience the ease and effectiveness of laser hair removal, you'll wonder why you didn't do it sooner!

Ready To Find Out More?

At Glow Luxe we offer complimentary consultations. Call 250.590.5459 Today!

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