We recently received an email from a popular skin care company promoting their "latest & greatest" miracle formulation with a price tag of $260. A brilliant and over the top marketing message proclaiming the benefits of a "new" ingredient that turns back the clock on our skin cells to repair signs of aging. Plus, the promise of potent quantities of beneficial skin saving ingredients. I won't mention the product by name (you can ask next time you visit us for liability purposes), but I will say what we found isn't uncommon and unfortunately permeates throughout our entire industry (It's saddening really).
Without a background in cosmetic chemistry you would have a difficult time getting past the marketing and, understanding what you're really buying. Here's what we found....
In a product containing a total of 54 ingredients, 34 were preservatives, texturizers (silicones and other petrochemicals) providing no real benefit to the skin as well as binding agents (to keep oil and water from separating).
The first ingredient was water (not uncommon). 2 ingredients were dye to create a pleasing color, and both had health concerns attached to them. 6 ingredients were perfume/fragrance which can be a mixture of hundreds of different chemicals, many of them endocrine (hormone function) disruptors and skin sensitizers.
Of 54 ingredients listed, only 11 were active in any way, and most of those were pretty weak choices as anti-oxidants or healthy-agers.
This is a great example (and very common) of how many companies keep costs down in their formulations by using cheap fillers and only "dust" the product with active ingredients. Most of their efforts go into creating a product that feels and smells good, and a convincing marketing program.
We've always felt you deserve better. At Glow Luxe, our products start with as little as 2 ingredients. In our more potent formulations, you'll find high levels of beneficial ingredients and very little else.

To find out more, schedule your complimentary product consultation today! 250.590.5459 Your skin will never look better!