The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe

Some Acids Are Friendly...and amazingly helpful.

The word "acid" can be scary for some. Did you know that some acids are very skin friendly? Here's one that isn't super well known, but offers an amazing benefit for a variety of concerns. In our minds this ones a must and it comes highly recommended.

azelaic acid treats brown and red spots, acne and rosacea

Pregnant, healthy & gorgeous. Treating Acne & Melasma

Ah the radiant glow of an expectant mother! What could be more beautiful? Unfortunately for many women the hormonal and physical changes that occur during pregnancy can cause frustrating and confusing changes in their skin. Conditions such as chloasma, the “mask of pregnancy” and acne can not only be a source of distress but left untreated they can continue long after your child is born....

pregnancy and skin care. Victoria bc