The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe
Tranexamic Acid: A Skincare Superhero.
In the world of skincare, there's always a new ingredient that promises to revolutionize our beauty routines. Some ingredients are worth the hype and others can't possibly deliver the promised result. One ingredient that's worth the hype, and has gained significant attention is tranexamic acid.
Treating Broken Facial Capillaries
As we age, our skin undergoes various changes, and broken capillaries on the face can become a common concern for individuals after around the age of 40. Fortunately, advancements in skincare treatments have led to effective solutions, such as...
Are your hands giving away your real age?
We've all been taught to wear our sunblock and to use active skin care products for our facial area, but how much thought do we give to other areas like hands or decollate?
The UV Effect: How Sun Exposure Affects Your Skin
So you want to age well? A great skincare routine and regular clinical treatments are super helpful at keeping skin looking great. But did you know that unprotected sun exposure is the number one reason...
The Proven Therapy for Clearing Sun Damage and Capillaries on Your Skin? IPL.
IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a highly effective option for treating sun damage and capillaries on the skin. One of the great things about IPL is that it's a very effective non-invasive procedure, and you won't have to endure a long recovery period. IPL also tends to be more cost effective than many other laser based treatments.
Alpha Arbutin, the best brightening ingredient you've never heard of.
Next to acne and wrinkles, hyperpigmentation is one of the biggest skin issues across the board. Everyone wants an even, clear complexion!
Azelaic Acid. The super hero ingredient you'll want to get to know.
While the word "acid" may sound scary this is one of those acids that's friendly, and worth getting to know.
Azelaic Acid is an amazing multi-tasking ingredient that is still not well known among the skin care professionals and product formulators. Many simply don't know how to work with it. That's slowly changing as they start to discover the amazing benefits this ingredient offers.
Some Acids Are Friendly...and amazingly helpful.
The word "acid" can be scary for some. Did you know that some acids are very skin friendly? Here's one that isn't super well known, but offers an amazing benefit for a variety of concerns. In our minds this ones a must and it comes highly recommended.
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