The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe

The UV Effect: How Sun Exposure Affects Your Skin


sun damage and how it effects our skin. treatments and solutions. Victoria BC. treatments for collagen and pigmentation.

So you want to age well? A great skincare routine and regular clinical treatments are super helpful at keeping skin looking great. But did you know that unprotected sun exposure is the number one reason...

Red Dots on Your Skin? It Could Be Cherry Angiomas – Here's What You Should Know

treatment for cherry angiomas and capillaries in Victoria BC

Cherry angiomas are formed by the proliferation of blood vessels in the skin and are usually painless. Although the exact cause of cherry angiomas is not yet fully understood, it's believed that...

Dimethicone, The Great Skincare Pretender.

why we don't want dimethicone in our skincare products

It's a cheap filler that "gaslights" you into thinking your skin is smooth and hydrated. By coating the skin, dimethicone creates the illusion it is minimizing lines and wrinkles and hydrating the skin. In reality, it's...

Multitask Skincare

multitask skincare products Victoria BC

We love keeping our skincare routine simplified and on point. Taking proper care of our skin already requires commitment, so why make it even more time consuming? That's were multitasking skincare comes in!

The Proven Therapy for Clearing Sun Damage and Capillaries on Your Skin? IPL.

treatment for sun damage and capillaries. Victoria BC

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, is a highly effective option for treating sun damage and capillaries on the skin. One of the great things about IPL is that it's a very effective non-invasive procedure, and you won't have to endure a long recovery period. IPL also tends to be more cost effective than many other laser based treatments.

When You Drink Collagen, Does It Become Collagen In The Skin?

when you drink collagen, does it become collagen in the skin? Victoria BC

Have you ever wondered about the fate of collagen once it's ingested? Is there truth to the hype?

Laser Hair Removal, 4 Reasons To Simplify Personal Grooming.

Victoria BC best laser hair removal 

The benefits of laser hair removal include long-lasting results, less irritation than other hair removal methods (like shaving or waxing), and the ability to target large areas of the body at once. Laser hair removal is generally safe and effective for most people, but you'll definitely want a qualified provider to optimize your results.

6 Questions you should ask at your Laser Hair Removal consultation

laser hair removal Victoria bc. questions to ask.

There are many things to consider when selecting a clinic for laser hair removal, ranging from the treatment device, technician experience, length of time in business, and how comfortable you feel with the treatment provider. It's important to know what you are getting yourself into. After all, it's an on going process and you will be spending a lot of time with your chosen laser hair removal specialist. Plus, you'll want results without the risk of burn or permanent pigmentation changes. 

It's definitely not a time to coupon shop, you'll want to put safety and experience before...

Dry Vs Dehydrated Skin. Do You Know The Difference?

dry skin or dehydrated skin, Victoria bc

Dry skin and dehydrated skin may seem like the same thing, but they are actually two different conditions.

Get Your Smooth On: Let's Talk About Cellulite.

Cellulite treatments Victoria BC. Body smoothing, body contouring.

Cellulite is a common condition that causes the skin to appear dimpled and lumpy, especially around the thighs, buttocks, and hips. While it's not a serious medical condition, it can be frustrating and embarrassing for...

Skinimalism. Minimizing your skincare routine for happier skin.

skinimalism. simplifying your skincare program. Victoria bc

At Glow Luxe we've always believed that when you have amazing products that are well formulated, less-is-more. It looks like the beauty world is finally catching on! Have you heard of "Skinimalism?"

Which method is right for you?: Laser Hair Removal vs. Waxing vs. Electrolysis

waxing vs electrolysis vs laser hair removal Victoria bc

Laser hair removal, waxing, and electrolysis are all methods used for removing unwanted hair, but they each have their own unique differences. Which method is right...