The latest skincare buzz from GlowLuxe

Laser Hair Removal Myths...Busted.

laser hair removal myths, Victoria BC. Best laser hair removal

Years ago I completed my qualifications in Medical Esthetics in Sydney Australia. A city of of beautiful beaches, barely-there clothing and endless summers, Australian women tend to have effortless, hairless beach bodies thanks to the popularity of laser hair removal. After all, who has time to de-fuzz everyday...

LED Light: Unlocking the Potential of Preventative Aging


LED light for anti-aging and preventative skin aging.

When we began working with LED light over 20 years ago, we noticed the benefits for clients displaying inflammation as well as signs of aging from...

The Collagen Connection: AntiAging Effects of LED Red Light Therapy on Skin

the collagen connection: anti-aging effects of led red light therapy skin

Over 20 years ago, we realized the collagen stimulating effects of exposing the skin to the correct wavelength of LED light. The rest is history. We've been using this highly effective method for preventative aging ever since. Its safe, non-invasive, AND it works!

Calming Skin Inflammation With The Power Of LED Light

preventing premature skin aging using LED light treatment

It made sense to us that if you could calm inflammation, you could prevent premature aging in the skin....

Glow Responsibly: Sun Exposure 101 for a Healthy and Happy Complexion

sun exposure 101. safe sun exposure. avoid tanning beds.

Sun exposure can have both positive and negative effects on your skin, so it's important to strike a balance. A common argument to defend sun exposure is we need it for vitamin D synthesis, but how much is too much? How much sunlight do we actually need? When does UV exposure become problematic?

Laser Hair Removal, Is Your Technician A Master Or A Novice?

The best laser hair removal in Victoria BC. Great results. safe.

Are you shopping exclusively on price for your laser hair removal? While price may always be a consideration for some, if you want great results, focus on the technician. The result of laser hair removal treatments can depend on several factors...

Do You Know What You're Putting On Your Skin?

powerful anti-aging skincare products for beautiful skin

Some of the best-known skincare products are surprisingly light on active ingredients once you get through their marketing stories. Benir Vitae Skin Renewal cream and Vitae Super serum have a transparent approach...remove the useless fillers and include more....

Are your hands giving away your real age?

sun damage and age spots on hands. IPL Treatment Victoria BC

We've all been taught to wear our sunblock and to use active skin care products for our facial area, but how much thought do we give to other areas like hands or decollate?

Let's Calm Things Down. Is inflammation Aging You Prematurely?

premature aging skin due to inflammation. Victoria BC. treatment for aging skin.

Do you want to age well? We don't really have to ask, the answer is always YES!  Unfortunately, chronic inflammation has other ideas and loves to see your skin age prematurely. We know that if you can minimize inflammation, you can...

Skin tightening 101: Everything you need to know

skin tightening, thermage, Fraxel, clear + brilliant, ultherapy, forma, Venus legacy. Victoria BC


Skin tightening can be confusing, with so many companies marketing their own devices. While there are many different skin tightening devices on the market, they all tend to utilize one of 4 primary technologies to create heat in the body tissue. Read on to find out more.

3 Things That Will Age Your Skin Prematurely.

3 things that will age your skin prematurely and what to do about it.

We ALL age, it's an unavoidable fact of being alive. But are one of these 3 things causing your skin to age much faster than it should?

Ingredients That Are Worth The Hype. Matrixyl 3000

matrixyl 3000 for antiaging. skincare ingredients that are worth the hype. matrixyl 3000


Are you looking for ingredients that provide serious results? Here's a skincare ingredient that's worth the hype.